Walmart InHome
Services: Design, Illustration

Creative Direction:
Anthony Cafaro
Product Design:
Katie Chin
Design & Illustration:
Maud Passini
Design: Ji Yun Kim

Walmart InHome, an innovative app allowing users to have their groceries delivered and stocked into their fridge while they're busy enjoying life, reached out to create the illustration style and color palette for the brand.

They needed a graphic designer with illustrations skills to make the app feel more human, trustworthy, and reassuring. Keeping in mind their mission to make their customer's lives easier, we designed a large library of illustrations to make the app and website easy and pleasant to navigate, to include as headers in the email notifications, to use as icons or patterns on the brand's collateral, and much more. Noticing the success the illustrations had among Walmart's associates and users, we started creating new ones for Walmart's other ventures, soon to be implemented.

App design and illustration
App design and illustration NYC
Brand illustration Walmart Maud Passini

Project Healthy Minds

